Issues with Yuly's computer

Issues with Yuly's computer

We got the first call 05/31/2018 from Yanina, She said 2 workstation was having a problem to connect at QB after made a new Update For Quick Book Vr. 19 in that moment We connected at the computer and check the All connection to the File Server Quickbook. After check all detail we could get the Solution, the next Email was this Monday to Randy Vargas by email and messages He said they had a new problem with WorkStation the User Yuliana in Update to Quick Book was showing " there is no enough spaces in hard drive C; , We could check that had enough capacity to Update but thas was no real problem after check all detail we could get the solution. We did some test to got the finaly solution cause this behavior was weird.

Work Service Time: 2hrs. 30 min
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